Private Equity Firms Offer Workers Ownership, the Opportunitto Build wealth, and Strong Benefits
Private equity supports American workers by providing strong wages, professional development opportunities, safe work environments, and investments in underrepresented talent.
Giving Workers a Stake in the Success of Their Companies
In a new video, employees and leaders of AIC member The Riverside Company’s portfolio companies, PFB Corporation, siffron, and SCRAM Systems shared their excitement around being part of a shared ownership program that gives employees a direct stake in the success of the business.
“The advantages of working with a larger private equity firm that brings a great deal of resources is impressive, but it’s the individuals I’ve interacted with that have made the most difference,” said Chris Linthwaite,CEO of SCRAM Systems.
Multiple AIC members have partnered with Ownership Works, a nonprofit initiative that builds employee wealth by expanding shared employee ownership of companies, enabling employees to directly benefit from the company’s success . Since its founding in 2021, Ownership Works has impacted nearly 112,000 employees nationwide, generating over $130 million in payouts to low- and moderate-income workers.
Earlier this year, 60 Minutes featured a story about KKR portfolio company C.H.I. Overhead Doors (C.H.I.) after it became part of an ownership program that made all 800 of C.H.I.’s employees partial owners of the company. Employees experienced a “culture of ownership” and received a payout on equity that averaged $175,000 on top of their regular salary, as well as approximately $9,000 in dividends since 2015.