Employees at Private Equity-BackedCompanies
Private Equity-Backed BusinessesSince 2017
Americans Depend on Private Equityto Support Their Retirements
What Does Private Investment Do?
Small businesses are the lifeblood of localcommunities. They enrich our cities andtowns with culinary delights, fresh ideas, anddisruptive thinking.They also serve as laddersfor socioeconomic mobility, allowing anyonewith a good idea, hard work, and a bit of luckto achieve the American dream.In 2022.85percent of all private equity investments wentto support small businesses with fewer than500 employees.These investments play a
critical role in ensuring small businesses are
Providing Alternative Lending
Small and medium-sized businesses dependon two main sources of outside funding:credit and equity. Private credit, like privateequity, helps strengthen and scale businessesof all sizes. But instead of owning part of acompany, as private equity funds do, privatecredit loans provide an alternative totraditional bank lending and can be tailoredto the specific needs of the borrower. Privatecredit has experienced remarkable growth inthe U.S.. soaring from less than $400 billion in
assets under mana0e
mentin 2012 to 1
Private Equity Helps Diversify Pensions
As part of a diversified investment portfolio, privateequity is consistently the highest returning asset classfor public pensions, delivering median annualizedreturns of 15 percent over a 10-year period. Morethan 34 million American public servants depend onprivate equity, while 89 percent of public pensionfunds invest in private equity.
Read testimonials from public pension fund officialsstatements from members of Congress, studies fromeconomists,and recent pension fund returns showinghow private equity outperforms other asset classes
Policymakers Praise Private Investment
Private investment is supporting businesses in every stateand Congressional district in the U.S. Hear directly fromelected officials from both sides of the aisle about howprivate investment supports businesses, workers, and publicpension beneficiaries in their states and districts
These are the Builders
Get the facts and hear real stories about how private equityis building better businesses, supporting workers, andstrengthening retirements across America. The AmericanInvestment Council compiled widely accepted data, studies,and examples showing how of private equity invests insmall businesses, improves health care, supports workers,and strengthens retirement for millions of pensionbeneficiaries in all 50 states.
Private equity and private credit build better businesses across America, directly employ millions of workers, and deliver the strongest returns to support the retirements of millions of workers.